TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Online source for REAL Nismo 555/615cc injectors
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Subject Online source for REAL Nismo 555/615cc injectors
Posted by james92se on May 13, 2015 at 11:14 AM
  This message has been viewed 465 times.
Message I'm rebuilding my turbo VE30DE. It's fairly similar to the Z and shares some parts, including rods and injectors to name a few. Hence my injector question here. My current build (which suffered a broken ringland) has re-drilled JECS and I want ultimate peace of mind/reliability going forward.

I do not want DW and as best I can tell even the "brand new" JECS units with 3 year warranties are still just re-drills.

So I'm pretty much resigned to buying legit new OEM Nismos.

The problem is that half of the sites selling these Nismos seem shady/vague, and I am seeing vast price differences which leads me to believe some are not genuine.

I see Z1 sells them for $864, but me being cynical I can't help but notice they never explicitly state the injectors are brand new/OEM, which leads me to believe that perhaps they are not new and/or not genuine? I e-mailed them days ago about their "new" JECS units and received no response. I'm not able to call them during the day from work.

Conceptzperformance sells them for about $950, but I've found other sellers that are about $1,400 for all six.

Can somebody point me to a best price CONFIRMED legit NEW OEM/Nismo source for these injectors and perhaps explain to me what the difference on the 16600-RR543 and 16600-RR544 units are? Thanks

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